Monday, April 7, 2014

Shiloh's Journey Here

Birth Story

     On March 28th 2014 I had a doctors appointment with my midwife.  My due date was the 27th and we thought for sure I would of delivered before that or right on time. The midwife decided to do the "stirring of the membranes" to try and progress into labor. At this point at the visit I was 80% effaced and 3cm dilated. When they did the "stirring" it didn't actually hurt. I thought it would and was scared! It also only took a few seconds to do! After that I had to make an appointment to come the following week for an ultrasound to make sure little baby Shiloh had enough room still in my belly! My mom and I then left the doctors office and went to get food. We decided to go to Olive Garden which was around 15-20 min away from home. On the way there I started having small, but noticeable contractions. Nothing too painful to steer us back home. At the restaurant the pain quickly progressed. Soon at the end of the meal I was having to stand because the pain was to sharp. On the way home I decided I wanted candy if we had to go to the hospital.Of course I wanted candy...the last month or so of my pregnancy I had a ginormous sweet tooth! While walking around Marc's I was having contractions beginning to come a lot closer together. Then I went to the bathroom to discover my mucus plug came out! The contractions went from ten mins apart to roughly around 5-6. All within an hour or two. By the quick change in time I figured I would probably be going to the hospital a lot sooner than I expected. We left Marc's and headed home. I called Jake and told him what was going on and he then left work and came home as well. I spent a lot of the first few hours walking around and trying to keep my mind off the pain. I used my fitness ball to bounce on and walked up and down the stairs a few times too. We called the hospital and was told to not come in until contractions were 2-3 min apart. So far I had already been having contractions for a few hours (They started shortly before 2 o'clock). As the pain intensified I quickly became more to myself and tried to keep focus. Now my friends were here too, so I mostly stuck to my room or bathroom. I remember very vividly walking outside. I think that is when the realization of what was going on really set in. By around ten o'clock the pain was way worse. I now was not keeping quiet during my contractions. The pain was such a shooting debilitating feeling I never could have imagined. The worst position I found was laying down. A bath helped, kinda, the warm water was the best part. Time slowly continued and it was then time to go to the hospital. I vaguely remember the ride there. When we got there I didn't want a wheel chair. Honestly it was best to walk around at that point. We got to triage and I got hooked up to the machines and got stuck with the IV. The nurse checked me and I was 5 -6 cm dilated. That meant I was clear to go over to labor and delivery! When I got to my room I was beyond ready to get in the tub. It didn't take long and soon I was in the birth tub having my contractions. Pain intensified. Leaning forward and sitting on my knees was the best position I found. I could not sit back in the tub where woman usually sit for delivery, was way to uncomfortable. Time went on, and pain got worse. Out of the tub and into the shower. The shower then seemed to help more than the tub. I think it was the combination of the hot water and being able to stand and hold on to the railings during contractions. Now knowing the size of my baby I can see why I didn't want to sit. The pressure he was putting on my pelvis was excruciating. Especially once the back labor started. That was the worst. I would have to have Jake or Mom, or nurse push on my lower back. To me it didn't feel like they were pushing hard. After delivery I was told otherwise! Time continued and I was not progressing. The midwife decided it was time to break my water. I was TERRIFIED and did NOT have a good experience with her at that time. She pulled out the "tool" and compared it to a crochet hook. OK so tell the laboring lady with NO PAIN medicine that you are going to crochet hook her water to break it! Sounds like a great plan right? No, I panicked and she got frustrated. Still I was stuck at 7 cm and after the breaking of my water the pain believe it or not got even worse. At this point I was 20 hours in, pain medicine free, experiencing the worst pain in my entire life x2000. I tried the shower one last time. Also tried the tub. Then I gave in, with barely enough strength to stand, and took nubain. All that it did was make me sleepy...and I had to lay down. Soooo when contractions came I was stuck on my back, and in worse pain then before. Now a new midwife was on and came in to check me. Still stuck at 7. Now the talk of pitocin comes. I wanted to avoid all drugs, especially pitocin. What was I to do though continue to go on and not progress, in excruciating pain? I couldn't handle anymore and begged for the epideral. Luckily it did not take long for them to come in. The first try he missed. So it went into blood vessels it wasnt supposed to go in. I quickly became green and my heart rate jumped to 158. I was now more terrified than ever. I calmed down, then he had to do it again. This time luckily it worked. WHAT A RELEIF. I got to experience what seemed like complete relief for 3 hours. Until it came time to push, and all the pain quickly came back. I was unaware that the epideral does not numb the pain of delivery, just the contractions. So the pressure of my basically 9 pound baby was shooting through now. Almost at the end at least! My attitude at this point was on giving up. I was beat down and exhausted. I honestly thought this baby would never come out of me. I wanted to quit. Ask for a c-section. Do whatever it took to get it to STOP. But, I knew that wasn't going to happen and I had to keep going. Pushing was terrible. Such a weird shooting pain. More so like pooping a giant giant turd! I picked up quickly to knowing how to push. As the head emerged everyone got excited. Me on the other hand wanted to vomit and poop on the midwife in front of me. I quickly touched his head. At that point did not even care that it was there, I just wanted him out ! I gave it everything I had and an hour later    Little Shiloh Stephen Gregory slid out and up into my arms. What a rush. This is the part that there is no explaining for. Words cannot describe the feeling you get after all the months, and all the pain, to then see your beautiful baby in your arms. There will never be anything else like it. And this little guy is a strong one! From a few minuets out of the womb he was picking up his head! Very exciting to know I have such a strong little man :) They cleaned him off a little bit while he was in my arms and all was well! I was so distracted by him I barely noticed the midwife pulling and pulling at the long chord to get my placenta out. Also barely noticed the stitches...Little man tore me up, 2nd degree tear. But all was worth it in the end and now looking back it is nothing more than a journey a long painful journey to meeting this small human that drastically has saved, and changed my life. 

Shiloh Stephen Gregory
21 in long